Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tahap stres pelajar kita tinggi

Morning peeps. Here's a story to kickstart the day. Stress level among students is high. High enough to create critical condition to oneself. That's what the paper say. Link is here .Well, talking about stress, it is better for me to define what is stress according to several psychologist out there. According to Wikipedia, the term "stress" was first employed in a biological context by the endocrinologist Hans Selye in the 1930s. He later broadened and popularized the concept to include inadequate psychological response to any demand. In his usage, stress refers to a condition and stressor to the stimulus causing it. It covers wide range of phenomena, from mild irritation to drastic dysfunction that may cause severe health breeakdown.

There you go, quite an explanation isn't it? I am fascinated by how Selye able to defined stress and split it into two kind of stress; negative stress which he called "distress" and positive stress he called "eustress". Guess i should read more on the latter since it sounds interesting.

Ok, back to the original topic. Apa sebenarnya masalah budak-budak ni sampai stress sangat in such an early stage of life? Baru masuk Form 1 dah stress. Baru ambik PMR dah stress. Actually what is stress to them? That is a question to ponder. Adakah dengan diberikan kerja rumah banyak oleh cikgu-cikgu dikatakan stress? Memang la tekanan kalau banyak homework but come to think of it since i myself a teacher, i do consider to give my students homework.

Moreover, i am a class teacher and it is my job to know how my students are doing. Ada jugak tanya banyak tak kerja rumah? Hari ni brapa subjek ada kerja rumah? If it's to much for them, i try to negotiate. I'll be giving them homework once in a fortnight but equal to one week workload. Being a student, you cannot avoid yourself from doing homework. It has began since ages ago and you have no say at all to be exempted to do homework. It's part and parcel of being a student.

So, what is pressure to them? Pressure of taking exam? Pressure of having to many homework? Pressure of not achieving good grades? Pressure from teachers and bullies? Pressure in having relationship? Only students know about it. Once being a student and still am, there are few ways to deal with pressure. It depends on how one confront his/her pressure. If he/she stays positive, for sure they can handle the pressure and find ways to overcome it. But for those who unable to handle the pressure, the outcome could be disastrous. Apa yang boleh aku cakap, nak handle pressure, korang tak boleh sorang-sorang. Kena ada member or kalo korang rapat ngan family member, go talk to them. Talking process could be very refreshing if it is done correctly. Go talk with your closest friend, go out somewhere where you feel at ease dan paling penting you got to pull yourself up and learn that tough situation do not last forever, but tough people will do. Chin up, chest up, head up. There're more life could offer to you if you keep being positive.


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