Thursday, October 06, 2011

Australia vs Malaysia Friendly Game 2011

Mana-mana kaki bola especially yang tempatan gerenti tak sabar nak tengok friendly game Australia vs Malaysia Jumaat ni (October 7, 2011). Macam yang korang baca kat newspaper, Safee Sali is up to the challenge and is fit for the game. Good news for us Malaysian. For sure, pengalaman dia kat Cardiff City FC akan digunakan to the max untuk game tu nanti. Hope he'll be firing all cylinders in that game.

Tapi bolasepak ni bukan individual punya game. It is a collective effort right from the back, middle and and the front part of the team. Kalau nak harapkan Safee saja nak score memang la mustahil, unless dia boleh dribble dari tengah padang sampai ke penalty box. Kalau dia dapat buat macam tu setiap game, Pep Guardiola pun nak sign dia ambik jadi  player Barca.

As a Malaysian, i do support my country's football team. Realistically speaking, kalau nak compare team Malaysia dengan Australia memang la tak seimbang. Player Australia ada yang main dalam BPL macam Tim Cahill (Everton), Mark Schwazer (Fulham), Vince Grella (Blackburn Rovers) Chris Herd (Aston Villa) and not forgetting Harry Kewell yang pernah main for Galatasaray, kelab Turki. Apek sendiri cakap kalau nak ikut saiz fizikal memang tak boleh nak compare la but he will do a lot of communication to his fellow defenders in order to block any attack from the Socceroos.

*pic taken from

Again as i stated above, bolasepak ni game yang berteraskan  team effort. No one is special on the pitch and every player should know what their task is and how to reach their own goal. Walaupun nanti keputusan tak memihak kepada Malaysia tapi kalau performance player Malaysia memang memuaskan hati, it's a win-win situation for the team. Plus, game tu nanti bukannya game qualification ke apa. Just friendly game. We got nothing to lose. Hope game tu nanti akan nampak ada perubahan positif since Coach Rajagopal dah masukkan beberapa player baru antaranya Joseph Kallang Tie.

Tengah syok-syok bukak, terjumpa satu report pasal game ni. Link dia ada kat sini . Basically report tu dah keluar in our local news by Utusan Malaysia. So, kalau nak baca, click je link tu. Bukan selalu keluarkan report pasal Malaysian football.

All in all, i just want to wish the boys good luck for the game. Win it for the country and the fans here in Malaysia. I'm pretty sure, if we can beat the Socceroos on their own ground ( which is wishful thinking maybe), the story is going to sell like hot cakes.

 *pic taken from :

So, to end the note, to all of you Ultras Malaysia, don't forget to show your support to our team during the game. Bring your friends to mamak stall or even your own house and scream from the top of your lungs if our boys do scores. Whether you're a Sarawakian, Kelantanese, Johorian, Sabahan, or even somewhere around the globe, wear your Malaysia football jersey and instil the spirit of "Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku". Godspeed


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