read that right. It is not a title with the intention to attract you all to finally read it but it is mentioned today on Berita Harian Online. Personally, benda ni bersifat subjective dan kalau nak cakap pasal jodoh, masing-masing ada alasan. Maybe some were lucky enough to wed in their mid 20s which according to the report is good tapi it's all boil down to individual to decide.
Kalau nak kawen, aku pun nak kawen awal. It is just just when it comes to marriage, you have to consider a lot of things, macam wang hantaran, persiapan untuk katering, nak settle booking untuk pelamin, bayar kad nikah, nak beli kain buat baju, dan tu belom lagi masok hal-hal kecik macam door gifts to guests.
All in all, personally i think it depends on the person itself. As for me, i'd fancy the idea of marriage in mid 20s. That was my target before but after much consideration (mainly about money), ive decided i need time to think hard and make wise decision because when you marry a person, you are going to spend the rest of your time with your other half and have kids.
So, my suggestion is, if the research did have some validity in it, you guys better choose your partner early and do plan when you want to settle down and have kids. Time waits for no man. Get the link here
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