I guess all of you people out there who the man is. He's the person who was responsible in bringing Apple merchandise into this world and managed to uplift Apple as one of the most elite company in the worlds that markets consumer electronic products. who doesn't know Apple Inc? A compapny famously known for its bitten apple logo. Who doesn't want to endorse and use MacBook, MacBook Air, Ipad 2, Iphone 4, Ipod and whatever gadgets that they have created to accommodate all the Apple evangelist needs.
Aku jarang sebenarnya nak tengok website Apple Inc. Cuma hari ni lain sikit coz Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. punya boss besar dah meninggal. As one of admirer of his courage and determination, aku rasa maklumkan hal ni jer. Mana tau ada jugak yang tak sempat baca or tak tau pasal ni, at least tau la jugak sikit-sikit. Hari ni baru aku tau before this, diorang punya logo ada special sikit. Sebelum diorang pakai logo epal yang kena gigit tu, actually diorang ada pakai logo lain.
So, tu la logo diorang yang original. Gambar Isaac Newton tgh lepak baca buku kat pokok epal. Kalau tengok betol-betul korang akan nampak sebijik epal kat atas kepala dia. In history, pada saat biji epal tu jatuh atas kepala diala baru dia tahu akan konsep graviti. Maybe there's a deeper explanation for why they chose the scene to be their first logo. It's very symbolic to me if you ask. As if it's like the picture is telling us there's a story behind it.
So, today all the Apple aficionados will mourn the death of Steve Jobs. My condolence to his family and friends. I know he meant a lot to them, moreover to his fans. I'm sure his death will be something significant in the history of human existence. R.I.P. Steve Jobs
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